5 Signs You Need A New Coach

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By Master Coach Amy Needham

5 Signs You Need A New Coach

Is your coach giving you the best possible services at all times, or do you expect more from them? If you’re someone who needs or expects more from your current coach, chances are that it’s time that you get a new coach.

At Clean Health Fitness Institute, we know how important it is to have an open, informative and trustworthy relationship with your coach. We are always striving to give our clients goals the best possible information, programming and assistance as much as we can (which is always). If there is a lack of professionalism, trust or commitment between you and your coach, it may be time to reassess your arrangements based on your goals.

With that being said, here are 5 signs to look for to determine whether or not you need a new coach:

  • Your Coach Is Too Friendly
    Yes, you do want your coach to be friendly but not too friendly. Ultimately you are paying for a result, not to hear about Karen’s dirty 30 weekend or Bob’s comp prep & how he is next level shredded. All conversations should ultimately come back to you, your goals and obtaining YOUR results!


  • Your Coach Arrives Late or Unorganised To Your Sessions
    Being on time is practically being late! Provided they don’t have a client right before your session, your coach should be greeting you preparing to start your training or weigh-in 2-3 minutes before the scheduled time.People make time for the things they prioritise. There is no such thing as a lack of time just a lack of value. If they don’t value their time with you why should you value theirs? The same can be said for clients that run late. If your client runs late they don’t see value in what you are offering.


  • Your Coach Gives You Cookie Cutter Programs Or Sends Them Late
    Your coach should be forward thinking and planning your next move before the time calls, this is what is called proactive coaching. This also leaves space for reactive programming in case of an unexpected result (ie: becoming too lean too quickly, not dropping weight fast enough or failing to put on mass) or an unplanned event (including going off track with your nutrition, sudden illness or family emergencies).Every coach should understand and uphold the knowledge that each and every client is DIFFERENT – no two clients should have the same program! Whilst there will be some crossover in programming style; the frequency, exercise selection, rep schemes and sets, every program should be individualised.


  • Your Coach Doesn’t Ask Involved Questions
    As a senior coach, I want to know every little detail about my clients. I want to know what drives them, what wakes them up in the morning, their bowel movements, their love life – their home life, their working life, everything! I also want to know their mental and emotional state as this is a massive influence on compliance and adherence to any program.Knowledge on a client’s Biofeedback markers such as sleep quality, energy levels, libido, appetite, satiety and stress levels is of utmost importance to any successful program. If you’re comfortable enough to strip down into your undies/bathers for check-in photos you should be open and honest in your relationship with your coach. Just as they should be constantly asking you these questions and queries. Teamwork makes the Dreamwork!


  • Your Coach Has Poor Communication Skills
    Never trust a person who is on their phone and social media constantly but never replies to your email concerns. Coaches take note, this is where you need to set your boundaries. The expectations of social media and SMS have created the expectation for clientele that they should receive an instant response. If you prefer to work through email (as I do) set those communication protocols with your clients early on. My clients alter appointments with me via text if they need an instant response. They send training videos via WhatsApp or Instagram and keep all other communication to email or enter it into their weekly biofeedback document. If you wouldn’t expect a 9-5 office worker to reply at 10 pm at night to a work email, then allow those habits to occur with clients. What you accept from others is what you approve of to be always accepted going forward.I email my clients (at a minimum) weekly and video call them every 2 weeks. I check admin emails every day and respond within 24hrs – this ensures success for not only my clients but for myself also. My clients’ results & feedback are my reputations & the best form of advertising! Often I will message my clients when I think of something that will assist them, such as YouTube videos or podcasts.


All of the coaches at Clean Health Fitness Institute, including myself, have learnt valuable information like this during Clean Health’s Performance PT Coaching course. Whilst this course teaches you the art of effective and results-based program design, you will also learn how to obtain, retain and nurture your clients to give them the best possible services and gain results.

This is why all the coaches at Clean Health Fitness Institute uphold a high retention rate of clients. All of our coaches communicate consistently and clearly, they value and care for all of their clients, which is why we all get incredible results from our clients!

Enquire today about your own health and fitness journey with a Clean Health Coach, CLICK HERE.

Learn more about our Performance PT coaching certification to become the best coach you can be, CLICK HERE.

Yours in health,

Amy Needham / CHFI Senior Coach

Clean Health Fitness Institute

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