Become a Master Personal Trainer

Study online and start your new career or side hustle today!

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Certified Globally

The World’s

Leading Fitness

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Course Overview

Turn your passion for fitness and helping others into a profitable career with the Clean Health Master Personal Trainer ® Program.

This program expands upon the science and systems of our Elite Personal Trainer program, giving you world-class knowledge from day one in your new career.

This is the perfect program for you if you want to go ALL IN on your new career, learning everything inside and out to fast-track your pathway to success as a coach.

Imagine 6 months from now becoming a qualified personal trainer and certified nutrition coach who can work in a gym, online (or both), doing what you love. Or, maybe you want to do this as a side hustle or to “level up” your own health?

So, act and book your call today 👇

The Master Personal Trainer Curriculum

Certificates III
(SIS30321) & IV
(SIS40221) in Fitness

Certificates III (SIS30321)
& IV(SIS40221) in Fitness

12 Additional Nutrition,
Training & Business

12 Additional Nutrition, Training & Business Certifications

Learn from the
#GOATs of the
Fitness Industry

Learn from the #GOATs
of the Fitness Industry

This program is the most advanced PT qualification in the world, virtually guaranteeing your new career success!

Mastering the initial consultation
Assessing your client’s structural balance
Prescribing prehab and rehab exercises
Anatomy, biomechanics and human movement
Evidence-based research in programming
Advanced periodisation for fat loss
Advanced periodisation for hypertrophy
Advanced periodisation for strength
Advanced energy systems and cardio programming
Prescribe calorie and macro-specific meal plans
Nutrition systems, reverse dieting, re-feeds and more
Supplementation for health and performance
The science of stress and lifestyle interventions
How to build a successful in-person or online PT business

Self-Paced Study, Start Anytime Online!

#BONUS Inclusion
3 x Weekly Live Virtual Classes

As a student, you’ll get access to 3 x weekly live virtual classes with our expert team to help you transition into your new career as a personal trainer.

You’ll get the opportunity to ask questions, get mentoring, organise job placement and employment opportunities and much more.

Hear What Our Students Have to Say 👇

#BONUS Inclusion
3 x Weekly Live
Virtual Classes

As a student, you’ll get access to 3 x weekly live virtual classes with our expert team to help you transition into your new career as a personal trainer.

You’ll get the opportunity to ask questions, get mentoring, organise job placement and employment opportunities and much more.

Hear What Our Students Have to Say 👇

Why Study with Us?

Personal training course to launch your career can be tricky...

Founded in 2008 by expert personal trainers and our CEO, Daine McDonald, we’re the trusted source of results-based fitness education for personal trainers worldwide.

We began as a PT organisation focused on getting epic results using the science of lifestyle, nutrition, and training and in 2012, we opened our first of several gyms that did over 300,000 coaching sessions over their lifespan.

During that time, we started educating PTs, and now, as an accredited fitness institute, we’ve certified over 70,000 personal trainers and nutritionists worldwide, including industry experts such as Mark Carroll and Lauren Simpson.

Our educators feature fitness industry experts, including Dr Layne Norton, Dr Bill Campbell, Hattie Boydle, Sebastian Oreb, Jackson Peos PhD and more.

Why Study with Us?

Personal training course to launch your career can be tricky…

Founded in 2008 by expert personal trainers and our CEO, Daine McDonald, we’re the trusted source of results-based fitness education for personal trainers worldwide.

We began as a PT organisation focused on getting epic results using the science of lifestyle, nutrition, and training and in 2012, we opened our first of several gyms that did over 300,000 coaching sessions over their lifespan.

During that time, we started educating PTs, and now, as an accredited fitness institute, we’ve certified over 70,000 personal trainers and nutritionists worldwide, including industry experts such as Mark Carroll and Lauren Simpson.

Our educators feature fitness industry experts, including Dr Layne Norton, Dr Bill Campbell, Hattie Boydle, Sebastian Oreb, Jackson Peos PhD and more.

So, What’s Next?

You have two options here and now 👇


Continue to search for a superior PT qualification (News flash, they don’t exist!)



Act now and join the global fitness movement and community that is Clean Health!

Ready to Live Life On Your Terms?

Frequently Asked Questions

A: No, there is not, just a positive attitude and passion for health and fitness. The program is self-paced,so you can start anytime!

A: Yes, even though we are an “Aussie” business, we are an international brand with students in over 50 countries globally.

We have partnerships with governing bodies and institutes like NASM in the USA and Canada and REPS in the UK, EU and UAE, so we can assist you with job opportunities and formally registering your PT qualification in your local country.


A: Yes! Depending on program options, wecan get you started for less than $50 per week.

A: Within Australia, you can access support through Centrelink for both mature age and regular students with subsidy payments. Internationally, you need to look at your local legislation and opportunities.

A: Short answer –
1) Cheaper per course overall and

2) speed to having a successful career.
You’re here because you value speed and want to accelerate the learning curve and fast-track your client results and business as a new personal trainer.

Long answer –you’ll learn more about personal training, program design, periodisation, nutrition coaching, and holistic lifestyle protocols than most trainers or coaches will earn in an entire career.

The MPT program is the blueprint to success that has been battle-tested in the trenches, so bet on yourself and go all in; your career is worth it!

A: Yes, the theory is, however, if you want to work out of a gym and gain insurance, you need to complete about 40-50 hours of practical placement through one of our over 1000+ gym site partners worldwide.

If we don’t have a partner site near you, that’s fine, as our student support team can help you arrange that!

A: The PNC Certification, integrated into this program, is specifically based on our unique nutrition coaching methods acquired from over 300,000 client appointments as practitioners.

These have been designed through years of real-world experience, blended with the latest cutting-edge scientific research.

It is not a run-of-the-mill nutrition certification. It’s designed to help you get results immediately whilst ensuring your clients progress safely and effectively.

A: A ton! From day one, you get access to our student community with weekly live calls and the ability to communicate directly with our master coaches and student support team. We take pride in helping our students transition into their new careers smoothly and quickly.

A: Yep, you get 14 different qualifications and certifications, putting you lightyears ahead of students from other more “vanilla” institutes. On top of that, you also get added to our global trainer directory as a certified Clean Health coach.

A: Yes, you can receive up to 50 CEUs/CECs through this program, depending on which part of the world you are based.

A: Yes, we sure do. Visit our “How to Become a PT” article which deep dives into this topic at great length.

Book A call below 👇