Written by Lauren Irvine
In celebration of National Women’s Health & Fitness Day in the US, we asked the ladies of the Clean Health Fitness Institute to discuss why they love living healthy, active lives. The annual event promotes the importance of women keeping physically active on a regular basis, while bringing awareness to their health.
As the leaders in health and fitness education, we aren’t just part of the industry – our staff live and breathe it too! We believe that all women should have a way to get moving that fits in with their lifestyle, because no two women are the same.
Read on to find out the ways our strong female staff keep active as well as some fitness tips and advice…
MONICA ALBIA – Social Media Coordinator:
1. What is your favourite way to keep active?
I have a few! I take the opportunity to walk to & from the gym, take my dog out for a walk during the day and I also love doing coastal walks/nature hikes!
2. What do you love most about having an active lifestyle?
I find that living an active lifestyle does wonders for my mental health. Being active makes me feel empowered and helps me to manage my stress!
3. What is your favourite piece of health/fitness advice?
Always remember that everyone else around you is on their own health & fitness journey and are at different stages in their journey. Don’t compare yourself to others, but instead, focus on YOU and what YOU can control!
LAUREN IRVINE – Fitness Copywriter:
1. What is your favourite way to keep active?
I’ll always start my day by taking the dogs for a walk, which not only gets my blood flowing but also gets me out into the fresh air. On top of that, I absolutely love weight training and dance cardio!
2. What do you love most about having an active lifestyle?
Having an active lifestyle brings out the best in me and enables me to be the best version of myself in all other aspects of my life. Physical activity is also one of the most effective strategies I use to manage my mental health.
3. What is your favourite piece of health/fitness advice?
Drink plenty of water every day and make sure you get enough good quality sleep – rest and recovery are just as important as moving! Most importantly, find a type of exercise/training you enjoy doing so it becomes a daily habit you look forward to!
JILL CLARK – Client & Student Coordinator:
1. What is your favourite way to keep active?
I love doing pilates and going for walks in the sun.
2. What do you love most about having an active lifestyle?
The thing I love most about being active is the mental clarity it gives me.
3. What is your favourite piece of health/fitness advice?
Be active in the ways that bring you joy! Don’t force yourself to train a certain way just because others are doing it, train in a way that makes you happy and keeps you motivated.
RHIANNON EDWARDS – Marketing Operations Manager:
1. What is your favourite way to keep active?
My favourite way to keep active is long walks & strength/hypertrophy training.
2. What do you love most about having an active lifestyle?
For me, I’ve truly learnt to make exercise a fun, enjoyable habit with plenty of variation that makes me want to keep coming back to it. Strength training and lifting is empowering because it pushes you past your limits, allows you to get uncomfortable with yourself, causes you to be decisive, and helps to grow confidence.
3. What is your favourite piece of health/fitness advice?
Everything you consume should have substantial nutritional value. You want the most nutritional bang for your buck so to speak. Everything you eat should serve some sort of nutritional purpose in your body, fuel your workouts, and be focused toward optimizing your overall body composition goals.
ROSEMARY MARCHESE – Head of Education:
1. What is your favourite way to keep active?
Gym and runs or walks to get outdoors!
2. What do you love most about having an active lifestyle?
I love the energy it gives me.
3. What is your favourite piece of health/fitness advice?
Get outdoors and move every day!
JADE MCKEE – Online Master Coach:
1. What is your favourite way to keep active?
It’s a tie between weight sessions in the gym, and going for walks with my family – It’s great to get everyone out and active together!
2. What do you love most about having an active lifestyle?
The FEELING of being fit and healthy, you can’t beat it!
3. What is your favourite piece of health/fitness advice?
I have two pieces of advice: It’s NEVER too late to get started, and – Something is always better than nothing! Some of my best training sessions in the gym have happened when I really didn’t feel like being there in the first place.
KIM LEGGETT – Online Master Coach:
1. What is your favourite way to keep active?
Hitting weights in the gym or going for a long walk.
2. What do you love most about having an active lifestyle?
They’re not kidding when they talk about exercise releasing feel good endorphins – it stays with you for the whole day! I love feeling healthy but also confident and comfortable in my own skin – I think for all women this is SO important.
3. What is your favourite piece of health/fitness advice?
I love this quote which relates to getting results and seeing progress – “the day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.” I think it serves as a great reminder that when it comes to fitness – consistency is what gets rewarded!
ASTRID NARANJO – Accredited Clinical Dietician:
1. What is your favourite way to keep active?
Walking my dog and lifting heavy!
2. What do you love most about having an active lifestyle?
That it helps me to prevent migraines and allows me to relax and meditate actively. It also keeps me fit and healthy.
3. What is your favourite piece of health/fitness advice? Don’t think of exercise as punishment but rather as a reward for your body where you are ensuring health and well-being long term!
To learn more about the importance of regular physical activity for women, click here to read our article, Celebrating National Women’s Health & Fitness Day!